Pesquisa participante, com o objetivo de avaliar as modificações ocorridas no estilo de vida de catorze trabalhadores com vista à prevenção e/ou controle dos fatores de risco da HAS, com a realização dos encontros educativos. As informações foram coletadas, através de entrevista. Os resultados foram organizados em categorias empíricas. Onze participantes estavam na faixa etária de 21a 44 anos, dez eram pardos, e um, negro. Os trabalhadores revelaram alguma noção sobre os fatores de risco da HAS e sua prevenção. Para esses, ter um estilo de vida saudável consistia em praticar exercícios físicos, gerenciar o estresse, consumir alimentos saudáveis, e abster-se de vícios. A realização dos encontros gerou modificações no estilo de vida de treze trabalhadores, com vista a prevenir e/ou controlar os fatores de risco ambientais, conseqüentemente o surgimento HAS em si mesmos, nos familiares e em outras pessoas do seu convívio.
This is a participative research aiming to evaluate the life style changes occurred with fourteen workers concerning the prevention of the risk factors of SAH, with the accomplishment of five educational meetings. The data was collected, through interviews. The results were organized in empirical categories. Among the participants, eleven were aged 21 to 44; ten of them were medium brown and one was black. The workers seemed to understand a little about the risk factors of SAH and its prevention. For such people, having a healthy life style, consisted in practicing physical exercises to manage with stress, to eat healthy food, and to avoid addiction. The meetings changed the life style of thirteen citizens, once they prevented and/or controlled the factors of environmental risks and, as a result, the risk of SAH in themselves, in members of their families as well as in other people with whom they have any relationship.