Estudo para o desenvolvimento de material e método de educação em saúde para cegas sobre auto-exame de mama. Foram desenvolvidos uma prancha da anatomia da mama, um protótipo tridimensional da mama e um CD explicativo abordando o que é câncer de mama, seus fatores de risco e como preveni-lo fazendo o auto-exame. Os sujeitos foram quatro mulheres cegas. O método de ensino associou o material auto-instrucional com a consulta de enfermagem. A avaliação confirmou que o uso da audição e do tato facilitaram a aprendizagem, destacando-se a clareza da linguagem oral e, quanto ao protótipo e prancha, facilitaram a percepção do conteúdo.
This is a study aimed at the development of educational materials and at the design of a health education method for blind women under breast cancer prevention. A chart on the anatomy of the breast, a 3D prototype of the breast and an explicative CD describing what cancer is, what its risk factors are and how to prevent it by performing self-examination were developed. Four blind women comprised the sample. Instruction was evaluated before the use of the material. The teaching method associated the self-instructional material with the nursing appointment. The evaluation confirmed that the employment of hearing and touch facilitate learning, in which stands out the clarity of oral language and, in what concerns the prototype and the chart, they have facilitated the perception of the content.