Objetivo: A prevalência da epilepsia em pacientes com esclerose múltipla (EM) tem sido objeto de interesse há vários anos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever as caracterÃsticas clÃnicas, radiológicas e eletroencefalográficas das crises epilépticas e estimar a prevalência de epilepsia na EM numa série de casos. Método: Foram revisados prontuários de pacientes com EM e identificados os casos que apresentaram crise epiléptica. Resultados: Dos 160 casos analisados, cinco apresentaram crise epiléptica, sendo que, um caso, houve a presença de comorbidade com esclerose mesial do hipocampo, comprovada através de ressonância magnética numa paciente com crises parciais complexas iniciadas quinze anos antes do diagnóstico de EM. Nos outros quatro pacientes, as crises ocorreram tanto na fase aguda da doença, como na fase crônica. Conclusão: A prevalência de crises epiléticas nos pacientes com EM neste estudo foi de 2,5%, semelhante à encontrada em outros estudos.
Objective: The prevalence of epilepsy in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients has been a subject of interest for some years. The objectives of this study were to describe the clinical, radiological and electroencephalographic characteristics of epileptic seizures and to calculate the prevalence of epilepsy in a case series of MS patients. Method: Medical charts of MS patients were reviewed and patients who had suffered epileptic seizures were identified. Results: Of 160 cases analyzed, 5 had suffered epileptic seizures and one had comorbid mesial hippocampal sclerosis, confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with complex partial seizures that began fifteen years prior to her diagnosis of MS. In the other four patients, seizures occurred both during the acute phase of the disease and in the chronic phase. Conclusion: The prevalence of epileptic seizures in MS patients in this study was 2.5%, similar to that found in other studies.