Este artigo busca discutir o papel da Educação Patrimonial para a conservação e
democratização da memória e do patrimônio, bem como a importância da inclusão desses
temas no currÃculo escolar. São discutidas, em um primeiro momento, algumas questões
teóricas que permeiam este estudo como: a construção social da memória e o papel da
Educação Patrimonial como agente no processo de desenvolvimento e autogestão de grupos
ou comunidades. Em um segundo momento, são relatadas as atividades desenvolvidas no
distrito como: entrevistas com os moradores e oficinas de reconhecimento e valorização dos
patrimônios com os professores da rede pública de ensino.
The present article is aimed to explain the proposed extension project which was
taught during the supervised teacher training discipline of high school II, of the course of History. This project tried to make feasible the discussion of issues regarding to cultural
heritage on History teaching, and the extension of the course had as main objective the
integration between university and school, offering subsidies for knowledge building and
appreciation and preservation of cultural, archaeological, historical and environmental
heritage of the city of Rio Grande. When we referred to the training of “future teachersâ€, we
had in mind the target public of this project, who were the students of the course of teacher
training of the State school Juvenal Miller “Instituto Estadual de Educação Juvenal Millerâ€.
The method used to develop this Project consisted in feasible pedagogical practices in the
school environment, such as: group dynamics, workshops of drawing, games, elaboration of
texts and monitored visits to important places of Rio Grande. The monitored visits become
essential in the study of cultural heritage, because in this educative process we are able to
develop the sensibility and awareness of students to the importance of preserving these
cultural properties.