Este artigo consiste numa reflexão sobre as relações entre leitura e conhecimento,
considerando mais especificamente a leitura literária. Partindo de pesquisas sobre as precárias
condições da leitura no Brasil, enfoca o problema conceituando o ato de ler e explicando o
processo da leitura literária segundo os pressupostos da Estética da Recepção. Nesse sentido,
define o prazer estético a partir do conhecimento que a leitura oferece ao sujeito, levando-o a
descobrir o mundo e a si mesmo. Enfatiza que, para tal, são necessárias condições sociais que
permitam ao leitor movimentar-se com autonomia dentro do campo literário, conhecendo os
diferentes agentes que ali interagem.
This article offers a reflection about the relations between reading and knowledge, more
specifically considering literary reading. Starting from research on the poor reading conditions in
Brazil, it focuses on the problem by conceptualizing the reading act and by explaining the
literary reading process in accordance with the assumptions proposed by the Aesthetic of
Reception approach. In this sense, the article defines the aesthetic pleasure from the perspective
of the knowledge offered to the reader by the reading process, which leads him/her to discover
the world and the self. The article also emphasizes that, to reach this point, some social
conditions apply, which would allow the reader to move with autonomy within the literary field,
knowing the different agents that interact in this scenario.