O presente trabalho visa discutir a relação entre consumo e sustentabilidade e as formas de apropriação dos produtos pelos adolescentes da atualidade. As análises consistiram em compreender o comportamento e as perspectivas da sustentabilidade como fator inserido neste processo, traçando o perfil dos consumidores. Para dar base à pesquisa foi aplicado questionário aos adolescentes de diferentes escolas e classes sociais para compreender o perfil dos jovens, além de observar se a diferença de poder aquisitivo e o acesso a informação são fatores preponderantes para uma consciência ambiental correta. Os resultados apontaram que boa parte dos alunos das escolas pesquisadas (independente da classe social pertencente) estão se conscientizando quanto à necessidade dos atuais recursos sociais e naturais.
The present article has for its goal the discussion in relation that exists between consumption, sustainability and the forms of appropriation of the products by the teenagers today. The analyses consisted in understanding the behavior and the perspectives of the sustainability as a actor that is inserted in this trial, analysing the profile of the consumers. As the bases to the research a questionnaire was submitted to teenagers in different schools and different social classes, in order to understand the profile of the youths. The observation focused on the difference of pending power and the access to the information, which are the predominant factors for a correct environmental conscience. The results indicated that most of the schools that were researched, despite of their social class are in progress of being conscientious about the needs of the current social and natural resources.