Revista Recorte

Av. Castelo Branco, 82 - Chácara das Rosas
Três Corações / MG
Site: http://revistas.unincor.br/index.php/recorte
Telefone: (35) 3539-1000
ISSN: 1807-8591
Editor Chefe: NULL
Início Publicação: 01/02/2004
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Linguística


Ano: 2012 | Volume: 9 | Número: 2
Autores: Alba Valéria da Silva Moraes, Nadia Azevedo
Autor Correspondente: Alba Valéria da Silva Moraes | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Análise do Discurso; política do silêncio; censura; Chico Buarque

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

This work presents the song buarqueana as an object of study for Discourse Analysis. The song Chalice (1973) Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil is one example of how the subject composer uses metaphors to say what can not say. The musical language has always had a relationship with silence, because it is loaded with meaning. We are not simply talking about breaks or dynamic interpretation, but the constitution of silence as foundational discourse and politics of silence introduced during the Brazilian military regime. Through the songs, we see possible interpretations of what is said and what is not said. This article is a preliminary study for the development of our dissertation. The choice of a priori object part of the title itself, a metaphor shut up. And what has this to shut up? This study aims to examine how the unsaid is associated with silence, and worked through the metaphors that the subject composer uses to disguise your say, in the senses silenced. The paper uses as the theoretical analysis of the discursive approach, as outlined by Pêcheux and developed in Brazil by Orlandi and followers. This theory includes silent as language, sense effects. Silence means without the need of words to be translated, for expressing it in words, it assumes an interpretation, ie no further silence. When the analysis sketched song Chalice, we are interested in observing the silence towards the unsaid, but what is said camouflaged through metaphors.