This article deals with public management model of higher education to find out if there are
advances in the process and structure of Portuguese universities transformed into a foundation
when compared with the management of traditional higher education. In the Lusitanian
territory, adherence to foundational regime is regulated by Law No. 62/2007 of 10 September
2007. Three universities have been transformed into foundations. This research is multicase
(TRIVIÑOS, 2006) or case study (YIN, 2005) using historical documentary data collection
(MINAYO, 2001; SELLTIZ; WRIGHTSMAN; COOK, 2001), according to the basic
research approach (LAKATOS; MARCONI, 1991). The analysis was qualitative and
descriptive (KERLINGER, 1980) and held in the second half of 2012 and first half of 2013.
The study concludes that University-Foundation’s model of public management is an attempt
of corporatization higher education with the aim of introducing a more professional and
efficient management through the use of contracts. This new model introduced major changes
in the governance of portuguese universities studied with reflection in the process of decision