O conflito entre a República Popular da China e a Santa Sé, que teve inÃcio em 1951 com o rompimento das relações diplomáticas, continua suscitando numerosas perguntas na opinião pública internacional sobre as razões que impedem os dois governos de superarem os obstáculos rumo a uma reconciliação.
Neste artigo analisaram-se as relações entre a China e o Vaticano com o objetivo especÃfico de tornar legÃveis os eventos histórico-polÃticos e religiosos que levaram a tal impasse.
The conflict between the People’s Republic of China and the Holy See, which began in 1951 when the two countries broke off all diplomatic relations, continues to stir up numerous questions, in the international public opinion, about the reasons preventing both governments from overcoming the obstacles toward reconciliation.
In this work, we analyze the relations between China and Vatican with the specific aim of clarifying the historical, political and religious events that led to the present situation of conflict.