A transdisciplinaridade se baseia nos nÃveis diferentes de realidade, nas teorias da
complexidade e do terceiro incluÃdo, e tem buscado superar as fronteiras entre as disciplinas,
elaborando um ferramental que se conecte com sistemas complexos de conhecimento. Por ser
a razão ocidental o paradigma no qual as ciências se desenvolveram, as adaptações foram
feitas ao longo dos últimos séculos, enquanto o desajuste era tolerável. Mas nas últimas
décadas elas destoaram irreversivelmente da cultura ambiental e a tensão tem se tornado
Transdisciplinarity is based on different levels of reality, in theories of complexity and of the
third included, and has strived to exceed the boundaries between disciplines, developing a tool
that connects with complex knowledge systems. To be the reason Western the paradigm in
which the sciences have developed, adjustments have been made over the last few centuries,
while the misfit was tolerable. But in the last decades they clashes irreversibly of
environmental culture and the stress has become tangible.