A participação de Lavras na oferta de banana no mercado local é muito pequena, considerando-se que o Brasil é o segundo paÃs
maior produtor com 6,6 milhões de toneladas e Minas Gerais é o quarto entre os Estados produtores dessa fruta. Visando a quantificar
a participação de Lavras e região na oferta de banana no mercado local, realizou-se esse trabalho em duas etapas: 2002/2003 e 2004/
2005. A aplicação mensal de questionários nos principais estabelecimentos comerciais de hortifruti e feiras - livre de Lavras, permitiu
conhecer o volume comercializado, procedência e perdas das principais cultivares de banana. Os resultados obtidos mostram que em
2002/2003 foram comercializados 945,24 t e em 2004/2005 foi de 1.001,98 t. Desse volume, 6,56% em 2002/2003 e 14,62% em 2004/
2005 tiveram como origem Lavras. O consumo per capita anual manteve-se em torno de 11,8 kg nos dois perÃodos pesquisados. As
bananas tipo ‘Prata’, foram as mais comercializadas nas duas etapas, 54,7% no primeiro perÃodo e 58,7% no segundo, sendo que
7,91% e 18,35% , respectivamente, tiveram como origem Lavras. O volume de banana ‘Marmelo’ e do tipo ‘Nanicão`, foram de 1,91%
e 28,4%, respectivamente, sendo que 84,0% da ‘Marmelo’ e 3,43% da tipo ‘Nanicão’ na segunda etapa foram procedentes de Lavras.
A banana ‘Maçã’ teve uma redução de 125,30 t para 107,47 t, correspondendo a 13,26%, sendo que a oferta dessa cultivar, originada
de Lavras, manteve-se em 13,8%. As bananas ‘Maçã’ e ‘Marmelo’ apresentaram as menores perdas, 3,56% e 4,78% e as dos tipos
‘Prata’e ‘Nanicão’as maiores perdas, 9,39% e 10, 75%, respectivamente.
The participation of Lavras in the banana production offered to the local commerce is still very low considering that Brazil
is the second banana producer of the world, with a production around 6.6 ton/year and per-capita consumption of 24.4 kg/year.
Minas Gerais ranks in the fifth place among the most important Brazilian state producers. This research was carried out between
2002/2003 and 2004/2005, aimed to quantify Lavras participation in the banana market in the period considered. Monthly, a
questionnaire was applied in the main produce commercial centers in Lavras, in order to assess the commercialized amount and the
origins and losses of banana of the main cultivars during their commercialization chain. The results show that in 2002/2003, 945.24
ton was commercialized while this value reached 1,001.98 ton in 2004/2005. From this volume, 6.56% in the first phase and 14.6%
in the second phase had the origin in Lavras. A 6% increase was verified from the first to the second phase. The per capita
consumption was kept around 11.8 kg/year. The ‘Prata’ banana was the most commercialized in Lavras, representing 54.7% and
58.7%, in the first and second phase, respectively. In the first phase, 7.9% was from Lavras region and 18.3%, in the second phase.
The amounts of ‘Marmelo’ banana and of ‘Nanicão’-like were 1.91% and 28.40%, respectively. The ‘Marmelo’ banana produced in
Lavras was kept around 84.00% in both phases, while the ‘Nanicão’-like was 84.0% and 3.43% in the first and second phase,
respectively. The ‘Maçã’ banana had a reduction of 125.30 to 107.47 ton correspondent to 13.26% and the participation of Lavras
in its production was around 13.8%. The ‘Maçã’ and ‘Marmelo’ bananas presented the lowest losses, 3.56% and 4.78%, whereas
those like ‘Prata’ and ‘Nanicão’ showed the highest losses, 9.39% and 10.75%, respectively.