Aprendizagem por problemas no ensino de Engenharia
Ano: 2016 | Volume: 6 | Número: 1
Autores: Wilson José de Araújo, Roberto Precci Lopes, Delly Oliveira Filho, Paulo Marcos Monteiro de Barros, Rubens Alves de Olveira Autor Correspondente: Wilson José de Araújo | [email protected]
Palavras-chave: Ensino de Engenharia, Didática, Método de ensino, Formação em Engenharia
Resumos Cadastrados
Resumo Inglês:
From the study of a regular subject in the undergraduate program of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, relating the perspectives of the professor and their students and considering the workload and the contents addressed, a systematic work known as Problem-Based Learning - PBL was proposed to be used in the classroom to introduce the method in engineering education. The results demonstrate the feasibility of partially using the PBL approach and its applicability to subjects that have practical classes, as was the case of the subject studied, Thermodynamics. The paper also presents a methodology for organizing groups of students in the classroom to dynamize the learning process and to support the exchange of experiences by PBL.