Reflexão acerca da ciber-cidadania em rede desenvolvia pelo movimento OcupaMinC-MA. Objetiva analisar sua organização, tendo em foco suas formas de articulação no meio virtual. Apresenta reflexões sobre processos, categorias e práticas inerentes às formas de organização social em rede. Analisa a página oficial da ocupação em questão no site Facebook a fim de verificar os mecanismos de ciberativismo e ciber-cidadania que o movimento utilizou para articular seus protestos, aliada ao arcabouço teórico de autores como Lévy (1999, 2002, 2003, 2017), Castells (2013), Cremades (2009), Di Felice (2013), Duran (2008), Kunsch (2018), Recuero (2005), Santos (2013) dentre outros que discutem noções de cibercultura, sociedade em rede, comunidades virtuais, cibercidadania, ciberespaço, micropoder e conceitos base sobre movimentos sociais.
Reflection upon cyber-citizenship in a network developed by the movement OcupaMinC-MA. This study aims to analyze its organization focusing on the articulation forms in the virtual environment. It presents reflections on processes, categories and practices inherent in the forms of social organization network. It also analyzes the official page of such occupation on Facebook in order to verify the mechanisms of cyber-activism and cyber-citizenship that the movement used to articulate its protests, allied to the theoretical framework of authors like Lévy (1999, 2002, 2003, 2017), Castells (2013), Cremades (2009), Di Felice (2013), Duran (2008), Kunsch (2018), Recuero (2005), Santos (2013), among others, discussing notions of cyber culture, virtual communities, cyber-citizenship, cyberspace, micro power, artistic occupations and basic concepts on social movements. It results in the perception of the OccupyMinC-MA as a movement of artistic occupation that used cyber -activism as a tool for mobilization and social articulation, with potential for new studies of the content produced on its Facebook page to understand the concept of cyber-citizenship.