Fatores correlacionados a Síndrome de Burnout entre acadêmicos: estudo transversal
Fatores correlacionados a Síndrome de Burnout entre acadêmicos: estudo transversal
Autor Correspondente: G. C. Barbosa | [email protected]
Palavras-chave: estudantes, Burnout, esgotamento psicológico
Resumos Cadastrados
Resumo Português:
Apesar de predominante no ambiente de trabalho, a Síndrome de Burnout (SB) torna-se cada vez mais frequente no ambiente universitário. Com objetivo de verificar a prevalência da SB entre acadêmicos e correlacionar essa variável com aspectos sociodemográficos e de saúde, esse estudo transversal foi conduzido com uma amostra composta por 72 participantes. O protocolo de avaliação foi composto por um questionário sociodemográfico, avaliação da Síndrome de Burnout, de sintomas depressivos, saúde geral, aspectos sociais e sintomas osteomusculares. A correlação de Spearman foi utilizada para análise estatística. Houve predomínio da SB entre a amostra (65,2%). Observou-se correlações significativas entre aspectos sociais e descrença (p=0.016; r=-0.283), eficácia estudantil (p=<0.001; r=-0.399) e sintomas depressivos (p=<0.001; r=-0.547), bem como entre a saúde geral e sintomas depressivos (p=0.012; r=-0.295). Estabelecer esse tipo de medida permite planejar ações voltadas à assistência estudantil, priorizando intervenções e práticas preventivas que colaborem com a promoção da saúde no ambiente universitário.
Resumo Inglês:
Despite being predominant in the workplace, Burnout Syndrome (BS) is becoming more and more frequent in the university environment. With the objective of verifying the prevalence of BS among students and correlating this variable with sociodemographic and health aspects, this cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 72 participants. The evaluation protocol consisted of a sociodemographic questionnaire, evaluation of Burnout Syndrome, depressive symptoms, general health, social aspects, and musculoskeletal symptoms. Spearman's correlation was used for statistical analysis. There was a predominance of BS among the sample (65.2%). Significant correlations were observed between social aspects and disbelief (p=0.016; r=-0.283), student efficacy (p=<0.001; r=-0.399) and depressive symptoms (p=<0.001; r=-0.547), as well as between general health and depressive symptoms (p=0.012; r=-0.295). Establishing this type of measure allows planning actions aimed at student assistance, prioritizing interventions and preventive practices that collaborate with health promotion in the university environment.
Resumo Espanhol:
Despite being predominant in the workplace, Burnout Syndrome (BS) is becoming more and more frequent in the university environment. With the objective of verifying the prevalence of BS among students and correlating this variable with sociodemographic and health aspects, this cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 72 participants. The evaluation protocol consisted of a sociodemographic questionnaire, evaluation of Burnout Syndrome, depressive symptoms, general health, social aspects, and musculoskeletal symptoms. Spearman's correlation was used for statistical analysis. There was a predominance of BS among the sample (65.2%). Significant correlations were observed between social aspects and disbelief (p=0.016; r=-0.283), student efficacy (p=<0.001; r=-0.399) and depressive symptoms (p=<0.001; r=-0.547), as well as between general health and depressive symptoms (p=0.012; r=-0.295). Establishing this type of measure allows planning actions aimed at student assistance, prioritizing interventions and preventive practices that collaborate with health promotion in the university environment.