O artigo analisa os trabalhos sobre financiamento da educação infantil publicados nos anais dos congressos da Anpae, da ANPEd e Fineduca, no período de 2016 a 2018. Estas pesquisas estudadas indicam haver avanços na política de educação infantil, embora mostrem, também, a existência de desafios em relação ao financiamento, à ampliação do atendimento das crianças em creches e pré-escolas, às condições de infraestrutura e ao trabalho docente.
The analysis proposed here was carried out from the survey of works on financing early childhood education published in the annals of congresses of the National Association of Education Policy and Administration (Anpae), the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd) and National Association for Research in Financing Education (Fineduca) from 2016 to 2018. This article reiterates Silva and Brito (2017) effort to understand the production of knowledge about early childhood financing published in the Contemporary Journal of Education, when the authors propose to systematize the academic contributions related to the educational financing theme and valorization of the early childhood education teacher between 2010 and 2015 presented at ANPEd National Meeting and Fineduca Meetings. The mapping of research in the annals of Anpae, ANPEd and Fineduca congresses led us to find 18 papers. The reading and systematization of scientific productions indicates advances in the policy of early childhood education from the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1998 and at the same time challenges regarding the expansion of childcare in day care centers and preschools, such as infrastructure conditions, an evaluation , a career and teacher training, funding, insufficient resources to ensure compliance with Proinfância and BrasilCarinhoso quality and discontinuity standards in view of the reduction of resources used to execute programs in a context of fiscal adjustment.