O presente trabalho busca analisar o Acordo de Não Persecução Civil, na perspectiva da sua utilização como instrumento de interrupção da prescrição nas fases judicial e extrajudicial, em analogia à previsão às normas gerais do Código Civil, ao microssistema da proteção da probidade da administração pública e à teoria do diálogo das fontes, no intuito de ampliar os mecanismos de atuação pelo Ministério Público, ocasionando uma proteção eficiente do patrimônio público, frente às alterações trazidas pela Lei nº 14.230/21.
The present work seeks to analyze the civil non-prosecution agreement, from the perspective of its use as an instrument to interrupt the limitation in the judicial and extrajudicial phases, in analogy to the provision to the general norms of the civil Code, to the microsystem of the protection of the probity of the administration and the theory of dialogue of sources, in order to expand the mechanisms of action by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, causing an efficient protection of public assets, in view of the changes brought by Law n. 14.230/21.The present work seeks to analyze the civil non-prosecution agreement, from the perspective of its use as an instrument to interrupt the limitation in the judicial and extrajudicial phases, in analogy to the provision to the general norms of the civil Code, to the microsystem of the protection of the probity of the administration and the theory of dialogue of sources, in order to expand the mechanisms of action by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, causing an efficient protection of public assets, in view of the changes brought by Law n. 14.230/21.