Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a aplicabilidade das diretrizes expressas nos documentos que orientam a Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva, buscando compreender o relacionamento entre família, escola e atendimento educacional especializado. Objetivos específicos: avaliar o entendimento que têm as famílias e os professores quanto ao AEE da pessoa com deficiência; compreender os dizeres das famílias e dos professores, o processo de inclusão da criança e do adolescente no ensino regular; reconhecer a importância, para a família, da representação das relações no referente à família-escola e família-AEE. Participaram de estudo 15 famílias, três professoras do AEE, 46 professores do ensino regular e cinco auxiliares monitores. Utilizando fichas de observação, diário de campo, caderno de notas, entrevistas semiestruturadas, aplicação de questionário e observações nas escolas, os descritores do estudo: educação especial, família e representação social, a abordagem da pesquisa qualitativa etnográfica e também o estudo com aplicação de técnicas quantitativas. Resultados apontam divergências quanto às opiniões no que se refere ao relacionamento entre os pais e professores nas escolas, uma vez que a inclusão dos estudantes com deficiência e transtorno global do desenvolvimento continua sob responsabilidade da educação especial. Pais e professores demonstram desconhecer o AEE.
This article has the objective of analyzing the applicability of the guidelines contained in the documents that establish the National Policy of Special Education in the Perspective of the Inclusive Education (2008) with focus in understanding the relationship between family, school, and the special needs educational service. The research in which this article is based had as specific objectives: to assess the understanding that families and teachers have about services to special needs students; to understand the sayings of family members and teachers, the inclusion process of children and adolescent in the regular school; to recognize the importance given by family to the representation of relations regarding family-school and familyspecial needs educational service. Fifteen families took part in this study (an aunt, a brother, a father, and twelve mothers), besides three special needs educational service teachers, forty-six elementary school teachers, and five special needs student assistants. Using observation charts, field diaries, notes, semi-structured interviews with parents, as well as survey with teachers and observation of the school routine, we came to the description markers: special needs education, family, and social representation, that highlight the qualitative ethnographic approach of this study, but quantitative techniques were also used. The results point out to controversies in opinions about the relationship between parents and teachers at school level, since the inclusion of children and adolescents with deficit and global developmental disruption continues to be the responsibility of the special education area. There are still parents and teachers who showed that they don´t know about the existence of special needs educational services.