No presente texto analisa-se a obra Was bleibt? Recht und Postmoderne –ein rechtstheoretischer Essayde Christian Becker. Partindo da crítica pós-modernista de Luhmann e da filosofia da linguagem, Becker tenta buscar uma resposta para o que resta do Direito clássico no Séc. XXI.
Palavras-chave: Luhmann. Pós-modernismo. Teoria dos sistemas.
In this paper we analyze the work of Christian Becker named Was bleibt? Recht und Postmoderne –ein rechtstheoretischer Essay. Based on the Luhmann’spost modernism critic of law and some authors ofthe philosophy of language, Becker tries to give an answer to what remains of classic Law in the XXI century.
Keywords:Luhmann. Post Modernism.System theory.