Discute a problemática da elaboração do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) no Mestrado Profissional em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (PROFEPT). Questiona-se, entre outros, se a produção do produto educacional como TCC não perde de vista a qualidade exigida em um curso Stricto Sensu. De cunho bibliográfico e reflexivo está dividido em três etapas: (1) mapeamento da trajetória dos Mestrados Profissionais, destacando as prerrogativas que legitimam sua implantação e caracterizam seu objetivo e produto final; (2) a proposta do PROFEPT, ofertado pela Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica e, (3) a articulação entre a pesquisa e o ensino para a elaboração do produto educacional do PROFEPT. Como considerações finais, encaminha-se a necessidade de ampliação das pesquisas acerca dos desafios, entraves, contribuições e possibilidades da elaboração de produtos educacionais como TCC do PROFEPT, uma vez que os produtos educacionais não podem ser vistos como algo estanque, mas como algo em movimento, dinâmico e representativo da realidade de cada espaço educacional investigado.
Aims to discuss a problematic of the elaboration of work of Completion of Course, without Professional Master in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT). We started with the following questions: what is an educational product? What is meant as an educational product for the Professional Master's Degree in Professional and Technological Education? Does the production of the educational product as a Course Completion Work not lose sight of a requirement of a Stricto Sensu course? The daily practice, articulated to the teaching and the applied research in the elaboration of the educational product allows a differentiated formation in the Professional Masters? In order to problematize these questions, this bibliographical and reflective work is divided in three stages and presentations, first, a mapping of the trajectory of the Professional Master's Degrees, highlighting as prerogatives that legitimize its implementation and characterize its objective and final product. Following is the proposal of theProfEPT, offered by the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education and by subject, discusses the importance of the articulation between research and teaching for the elaboration of the educational product Professional Master's in Professional and Technological Education. Although they have been concluded, the conclusions of the knowledge about the challenges, obstacles, contributions and possibilities of elaboration of educational products like Work of Completion of Course of Professional Masters in Professional and Technological Education, since Educational products can not be seen as something stagnant, but as something in movement, dynamic and representative of the reality of each educational space investigated.