Resumo Português:
Este artigo faz um exame do papel do Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni) no acesso da população negra ao ensino superior. Mesmo enfrentando diversos obstáculos, as universidades públicas e, por meio de bolsas, algumas poucas universidades de caráter confessional constituíam locais quase exclusivos nos quais o negro brasileiro conseguia adentrar quando buscava estudos em nível superior. Com o ProUni, a partir de 2005, estudantes negros e de baixa renda passam a dispor da opção de ingresso nas universidades privadas brasileiras. Procuraremos, ao longo deste texto, recuperar historicamente tal processo, realizar uma análise comparativa entre os períodos, traçar os avanços obtidos e delinear os desafios envolvidos no ingresso da população negra por meio do ProUni.
Resumo Inglês:
The article is an examination of the role of the University for all Program (ProUni) on the black population’s access to higher education. Even facing several obstacles, public universities and, through grants, a few universities of confessional character were almost exclusive locations in which the The article is an examination of the role of the University for all Program (ProUni) on the black population’s access to higher education. Even facing several obstacles, public universities and, through grants, a few universities of confessional character were almost exclusive locations in which the Brazilian black could enter when seeking higher level studies. With the ProUni, in 2005, blacks and low-income students now have the option to entering in private universities. We will look over the text to retrieve historically such a process, perform a comparative analysis between periods, trace the progress achieved and outline the challenges involved in the entry of the black population through the ProUni.
Resumo Francês:
L’article examine le rôle du Programme Université Pour Tous (ProUni) sur l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur de la population noire. Même face à plusieurs obstacles, universités publiques et, par le biais de subventions, quelques universités de caractère confessionnel ont lieux quasi exclusif dans lequel le noir brésilien pourrait entrer en cherchant des études de niveau supérieur. Avec le ProUni, en 2005, les étudiants noirs à faible revenu d’avoir l’admission dans des universités privées. Le texte récupére historiquement tel processus, effectue une analyse comparative entre les périodes, trace les progrès accomplis et décrire les défis liés à l’inscription de la population noire à travers le ProUni.