The article addresses the case of Maria Eugenia Villaseñor Velarde vs. Guatemala, through a brief overview of the general context of the Judiciary Power and some of the current challenges faced by the mentioned State. At first, one points the facts that took place between 1994 up to 2013, which refer to threats and intimidating actions that have caused damages to Villaseñor's personal and professional integrity, due to her mandate as a judge. In the studied sentence, the Inter-American Court clearly recognizes the obligation to investigate those actions or omissions that pose a risk to the integrity of the judges. Indeed, such threats harm the judicial independence, depriving people of the possibility of an adequate law enforcement through an independent and impartial Justice System.
El artículo tiene como objetivo abordar el caso María Eugenia Villaseñor Velarde vs. Guatemala, bien como tratar del contexto general del Poder Judicial vivenciado en aquel país, apuntando algunos de los desafíos de la actualidad. Al principio, el precedente analiza los hechos ocurridos entre 1994 hasta 2013 que constituyeron acciones intimidatorias que causaron danos à jueza Villaseñor, en razón de su cargo de jueza. El discurso de la Corte claramente establece la obligación de investigar aquellas acciones u omisiones que pongan en riesgo la integridad de los jueces y que lesionan la independencia judicial, de quienes ejercen la judicatura, privando a las personas de hacer que se cumpla la ley, garantizando una justicia independiente e imparcial.