Este artigo discute a relação entre encarceramento em massa, racismo estrutural e necropolítica, a partir dos fundamentos teóricos de Mbembe (2016), Alexander (2010), Almeida (2019) e Holloway (1997). O objeto analisado é o HC coletivo impetrado junto ao STJ em face dos apenados que compõem o grupo de risco, diante do agravamento da pandemia da COVID-19 na CPPA pelo GEIP.
This paper aims to discuss the relationship between mass incarceration, structural racism, and necropolitics, based mainly on the theoretical foundations of Mbembe (2016), Alexander (2010), Almeida (2019), and Holloway (1997). The object of analysis is the collective Habeas corpus filed by GEIP for the inmates who make up the risk group, that are held in CPPA, given the worsening of the covid-19 pandemic.