Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, estudar a resposta produtiva da mandioquinha-salsa ‘Amarela de CarandaÃ’, propagada por
mudas grandes-MG (22,1 g); médias-MM (14,1 g); pequenas-MP (9,7 g) e muito pequenas-MMP (5,7 g) e cultivada em canteiros com
duas-2F e três fileiras-3F de plantas. Foram feitas colheitas aos 211 e 239 dias após o plantio-DAP. Todas as caracterÃsticas avaliadas nas
plantas, nas duas colheitas, foram influenciadas de forma variável pela interação tamanho das mudas e número de fileiras no canteiro. As
maiores alturas das plantas foram daquelas do tratamento MP3F, nas duas épocas de colheita, mas, as colhidas aos 211 DAP (35,64 cm)
apresentaram 4,50 cm a mais em relação às colhidas aos 239 DAP (31,14 cm). As massas frescas de folhas foram maiores nas plantas do
tratamento MG2F (23,86 t ha-1), aos 211 DAP, e as do MM3F (22,09 t ha-1), aos 239 DAP. As maiores médias de massas frescas de
rebentos (8,66 t ha-1) e de coroas (5,66 t ha-1) foram obtidas aos 239 DAP, em relação às dos 211 DAP (7,19 e 4,20 t ha-1). As maiores
produções de raÃzes comerciais (11,61 t ha-1) e de não comerciais (5,80 t ha-1) foram do tratamento MG3P, aos 211 DAP e dos
tratamentos MMP2F (14,48 t ha-1) e MP3F (5,92 t ha-1), respectivamente, aos 239 DAP. As massas frescas de raÃzes comerciais
representaram apenas 18,31% e 23,08%, aos 211 DAP e 239 DAP, respectivamente, em relação à produção total das plantas.
The present research aimed to study the productive response of ‘Amarela de Carandaà Peruvian carrot (Arracacia xanthorrhiza
Bancroft), which was propagated by big – MG (22.1 g); medium – MM (14.1 g); small – MP (9.7 g) and very small – MMP (5.7 g)
seedlings and cultivated on plots with two (2F) and three (3F) rows of plants. Harvests were accomplished at 211 and 239 days after
planting (DAP). Every evaluated plant characteristics from the two harvests were diversely influenced by the interaction between the
seedling sizes and the number of rows per plot. The highest height of plants were those from the MP3F treatments, for both dates
of harvest, but those harvested at 211 DAP (35.64 cm) showed an extra 4.50 cm in relation to those harvested at 239 DAP (31.14 cm).
Fresh matters of leaves were higher for plants from the MG2F treatment (23.86 t ha-1), at 211 DAP, and from the MM3F (22.09 t
ha-1), at 239 DAP. The highest averages of fresh matters of shoots (8.66 t ha-1) and of crowns (5.66 t ha-1) were obtained from 239
DAP, in relation to those from 211 DAP (7.19 and 4.20 t ha-1). The highest yields of commercial roots (11.61 t ha-1) and noncommercial
roots (5.80 t ha-1) were from the MG3F treatment, at 211 DAP and from the MMP2F (14.48 t ha-1) and MP3F (5.92 t
ha-1) treatments, respectively, at 239 DAP. The fresh matter of commercial roots represented only 18.31% and 23.08%, at 211 DAP
and 239 DAP, respectively, in relation to total yield of plants.